Pleased with the bench. I've had two L5-S1 back surgeries. The -20° option is what some say, too much. It's been my go to between gyms since around 2012. It's my post surgical lumbar traction. A previous local gym worker first explained the angle. I started light and it's my comfort zone now. Get out of your comfort zone and try it! If you like traction between squats, deadlifts, etc.. It's durable for flat and incline too!
Pros :
- It's sturdy... Don't compare it to a $1,600.00+ fixed unit. I'm guessing REP is comparable, idk. They didn't have the -20°.
- Provides a full chest workout. It's not a ton of angle once you use it often and properly.
- Simply traction ; I prefer 250lbs+ on the decline over pulling my knees to my chest. A time management thing.
- None, once I find the last nut and washer. One of the hardware packs was open, I was tossing boxes, finding ankle pad washers and bearings. Then heard something hit concrete. Not an issue, just mid drywalling the barn and assembling equipment. Seemed one of those could have been a quick pre-ship inspection. I found one of the washers under a box flap. Sure it'll show up.